Apollyon / Original D&D


Thin leather catsuit, accented with too many buckles and black pigeon feather cloak. Impressive facial scarring, either intentional and harmonious or the sign of battle and accident.

STR: 12 INT: 12 WIS: 9
DEX: 11 CON: 13 CHA: 7
Death Ray or Poison 12 HD: 1+1
Magical Wands 13 AC: 16
Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14 XP: 0
Dragon Breath 15
Rods, Staves, or Spells 16
Melee Attack Bonus: +2 Ranged Attack Bonus: +2


  • Splint Armor
  • Two-Handed Sword
  • 3 Daggers
  • 6 Torches
  • Backpack
  • Waterskin
  • 1 Week Iron Rations
  • 50' Rope
  • 2 Flasks oil
  • 9 gp