STR: 16 (+3) |
DEX: 13 (+1) |
CON: 17 (+3) |
INT: 11 (0) |
WIS: 15 (+2) |
CHA: 17 (+3) |
Acrobatics | 1 |
Animal Handling | 2 |
Arcana | 0 |
Athletics | 3 |
Deception | 3 |
History | 0 |
Intimidation | 3 |
Medicine | 2 |
Nature | 0 |
Perception | 2 |
Performance | 3 |
Persuasion | 3 |
Religion | 0 |
Search | 0 |
Sense Motive | 2 |
Sleight of Hand | 1 |
Stealth | 1 |
Survival | 2 |
- Personality Trait: I blow up at the slightest insult..
- Ideal: Honor. I don't steal from others in the trade.
- Bond: Something important was taken from me, and I aim to steal it back.
- Flaw: When I see something valuable, I can't think about anything but how to steal it.